Updating the application

This section will describe the upgrading steps that can be done for the Syntho Application when running in Docker Compose. There are a couple of steps that can be asked to do from the Syntho Team:

  • Upgrading to a newer application version

  • Updating the license key

  • Updating the Docker registry credentials

Updating the docker registry credentials and license key

To be able to pull the latest version of the Syntho Application, valid registry credentials need to be configured for Docker to be able to pull the image from our registry. If the credentials have expired, the following command can be run to register them again in Docker:

docker login -u <username-for-registry> -p <password-for-registry> syntho.azurecr.io

Generally when the registry credentials expire, the license key that has been provided for the deployment also need to be updated. This is saved as an environment variable in Docker Compose deployment, in the variable called SYNTHO_LICENSE.

To updated this, navigate and open the created .env file for the deployment and replace the value of SYNTHO_LICENSE with the provided license key.


After doing this, make sure to restart the application using docker compose up -d.

Updating the application

The application can be updated by using different version tags in the defined docker images in Docker Compose. The following environment variables can be adjusted to achieve this:


The Syntho team can provide the latest version. A rolling latest tag is also available, but not recommended for production deployment.

After the tags have been updated, please run docker compose up -d to download the new images and deploy them using docker compose.

Last updated