Share a workspace

Assign workspace role to other users

As a workspace owner or editor, you can utilize the workspace sharing feature to delegate roles within your workspaces.

If you're an admin user, you have the ability to assign roles for any workspace.

  1. Sharing access to a workspace is straightforward:

  1. In the workspace sharing panel, you'll see a list of users that currently have access to the workspace.

  2. To add a new user to share with, select the user under the New collaborators dropdown.

Assigning a role to a user works as follows:

  1. Select the Role dropdown and choose the desired role.

  2. Use the Data access toggle to control the user's data visibility.

  3. Select Confirm.

Available workspace roles

You can select the following roles when sharing a workspace with a user.


View Job Settings

View Subset Configuration

View Job History / Summary

View Data

t.b.d. by Owner

t.b.d. by Owner

Edit Job Settings

Edit Subsetting Configuration

View Database Validation Results

Synchronize Workspace

Run PII Scan

Add/Remove PII columns

Run FK Scan

Add/Remove Foreign Keys

Generate Synthetic Data

Cancel Job

Delete Job

View Connection Details

Edit Connection Details of Destination database

Edit Connection Details of Source database

✓, username and password

Rename Workspace

Delete Workspace

Last updated